working together
Welcome to my personal view of Vilnius. This plattform is created to share ideas and thoughts with you. The online project is also a document of time. Druring this investigation I also travel a lot between Linz and Vilinius.
Using the internet you become part of the huge network of connections: each click turns you into a user.
This my is personal plattform also my way of thinking which gets represented here. But my wish and hope would be that also you leave some traces on this webpage. I defined some possibilities how you could participate here. For this I created certain user roles.
Please read further which role you would like to take.
As a guest in my house i make space for you, change my schedules to an extend that you feel at home. i might cook, i serve you a coffee, a tea or Austrian elderberry juice.
The understanding of being a `guest` online varies: You click to find out, you are not recognized, only the technical log documents someone was around.