Österrreichische Botschaft in Vilnius, Gaono g. 6
Die österreichische Botschafterin in Litauen MAG. ANDREA WICK
lädt Sie herzlich ein zur Präsentation des Projektes "ON SITE in Vilnius" am 26. Mai. 2008 um 18:00
Vilnius Gaono g. 6
Bitte informieren Sie uns über Ihre Teilnahme. E-Mail: dalia.friedt_AT_bmeia.gv.at
The time has come for me to publicly thank you and other "Friends of ON SITE in Vilnius". I would appreciate if you could join us for an informal reception at the Austrian embassy in Vilnius, Gaono 6 on May 26 2008 at 6pm.
We will outline the main stages of the project and by means of a short performance i will document the development of the work of
an artist in a local and European context.
With kindest regards,
Datum: 09. Mai 2008 15:11:23 MESZ