Où allons-nous partir d'ici? l'évaluation des projets
When art escaped from the frame and descended into the real world, women artists were suddenly in their element.
As long as the work was open-ended, as long as life flowed through it, from its conception to its realisation, women could make it as well as anyone.
There's hardly any point now in asking if women have to be naked to make it into the Metropolitan Museum (as the Guerrilla Girls did), because the museum is not where it's at.
(...) Open-endedness characterises the work of women.
There are plenty of dyspeptic critics who see, in the fading away of the picture frame and the spilling of the artwork into real life, the end of art itself.
It seems more likely that art is being transformed from an antisocial preoccupation into something more conscious and committed.
In a threatened world, the eternal monument looks increasingly pathetic and ridiculous.
why do we choose to create a company
why do we choose to work with an institution
when the social relations are being built again beside or outside the institution looking for new ways
production /art & culture
How does the mutation/changes in political and social action, and the transformation of collective action can be perceived in the experiment of ONSITE?
The main influence is the individualisation, personification and privitisation of the actions. The project was constantly redirected towards the individual artist, and the collective work difficult to develop.
where do i get all this energy from this desire to develop some transparency to the situation we all face?
feminist economics
articulation of a new politics infused with an ethic of care, of concern, of connectedness, of community.
- Feminist economics cannot be separated from the feminist perspectives on the ethic of care.
application of the ethic of care in work situations (health, medicine, moral education and social work)
Why do I introduce the notion of care in the context of an art project ?
The issue of "mothering also intersects the issue of an ethic of care
The theories of Carol Gilligan (1977, 1982 and later)
(Florence Degavre - Le rôle des femmes dans le care et la reproduction du lien social, 2005)
Maria Mies & Vandana Shiva - Ecofeminism 1993
- Feminist economics cannot be separated from the feminist theories developped since the late 60s which can change the perspectives on the concept of development.
Women play a fondamental role in economic practices and behaviours which "count" for the existence of populations. But they are invisible and not included in the traditional approach of development, particularly in economics, based on "modernisation" and capitalist organisation. This approach, being in the South or in the North.
These practices contribute to reproduce social links and to reconstitute life territories. Including them to formulate new theories and concepts is essential to find solution to the ecological and social problems arising from "modernisation".
- Feminist economics cannot be separated from the feminist perspectives on the ethic of care.
An ethic of care and responsibility develops from an individual's feeling of interconnectedness with others. It is contextual and arises from experience. It is characterized by nurturance and an emphasis on responsibilities to others. An ethic of justice, on the other hand, is an expression of autonomy. It is formulated in terms of universal, abstract principles and is characterized by rationality and an emphasis on individual rights. Some describe an ethic of caring as a "female" approach to morality and an ethic of rights and justice as a "male" approach.
Dialogue around the issue has included agreement, refinements, further study, criticism, revision, and rejection. Some questions remain: "Can a care orientation be distinguished from a justice orientation? To what extent are either of these moral 'voices' related to gender? Can the ethic of care based on relatedness and responsiveness to others be considered a truly feminist ethic?" (Larrabee, 4).
see Germaine Greer
Les activités domestiques : un travail invisible et gratuit
Le travail domestique comme entrave à l?émancipation des femmes
Le « privé est politique »
besoin de securite et d'existence
par les deux bouts : celui des relations sociales et celui de l’économie, trop souvent opposées / le lien social se refonde à côté de l’institution, voire en dehors, cherchant de nouvelles voies.
le care, le don ou le service
When art escaped from the frame and descended into the real world, women artists were suddenly in their element.
As long as the work was open-ended, as long as life flowed through it, from its conception to its realisation, women could make it as well as anyone.
There's hardly any point now in asking if women have to be naked to make it into the Metropolitan Museum (as the Guerrilla Girls did), because the museum is not where it's at.
(...) Open-endedness characterises the work of women.
There are plenty of dyspeptic critics who see, in the fading away of the picture frame and the spilling of the artwork into real life, the end of art itself.
It seems more likely that art is being transformed from an antisocial preoccupation into something more conscious and committed.
In a threatened world, the eternal monument looks increasingly pathetic and ridiculous.
why do we choose to create a company
why do we choose to work with an institution
when the social relations are being built again beside or outside the institution looking for new ways
production /art & culture
How does the mutation/changes in political and social action, and the transformation of collective action can be perceived in the experiment of ONSITE?
The main influence is the individualisation, personification and privitisation of the actions. The project was constantly redirected towards the individual artist, and the collective work difficult to develop.
where do i get all this energy from this desire to develop some transparency to the situation we all face?
feminist economics
articulation of a new politics infused with an ethic of care, of concern, of connectedness, of community.
- Feminist economics cannot be separated from the feminist perspectives on the ethic of care.
application of the ethic of care in work situations (health, medicine, moral education and social work)
Why do I introduce the notion of care in the context of an art project ?
The issue of "mothering also intersects the issue of an ethic of care
The theories of Carol Gilligan (1977, 1982 and later)
(Florence Degavre - Le rôle des femmes dans le care et la reproduction du lien social, 2005)
Maria Mies & Vandana Shiva - Ecofeminism 1993
- Feminist economics cannot be separated from the feminist theories developped since the late 60s which can change the perspectives on the concept of development.
Women play a fondamental role in economic practices and behaviours which "count" for the existence of populations. But they are invisible and not included in the traditional approach of development, particularly in economics, based on "modernisation" and capitalist organisation. This approach, being in the South or in the North.
These practices contribute to reproduce social links and to reconstitute life territories. Including them to formulate new theories and concepts is essential to find solution to the ecological and social problems arising from "modernisation".
- Feminist economics cannot be separated from the feminist perspectives on the ethic of care.
An ethic of care and responsibility develops from an individual's feeling of interconnectedness with others. It is contextual and arises from experience. It is characterized by nurturance and an emphasis on responsibilities to others. An ethic of justice, on the other hand, is an expression of autonomy. It is formulated in terms of universal, abstract principles and is characterized by rationality and an emphasis on individual rights. Some describe an ethic of caring as a "female" approach to morality and an ethic of rights and justice as a "male" approach.
Dialogue around the issue has included agreement, refinements, further study, criticism, revision, and rejection. Some questions remain: "Can a care orientation be distinguished from a justice orientation? To what extent are either of these moral 'voices' related to gender? Can the ethic of care based on relatedness and responsiveness to others be considered a truly feminist ethic?" (Larrabee, 4).
see Germaine Greer
Les activités domestiques : un travail invisible et gratuit
Le travail domestique comme entrave à l?émancipation des femmes
Le « privé est politique »
besoin de securite et d'existence
par les deux bouts : celui des relations sociales et celui de l’économie, trop souvent opposées / le lien social se refonde à côté de l’institution, voire en dehors, cherchant de nouvelles voies.
le care, le don ou le service
A Linz artist and a managing activist establishing a structure////network, weaving art and culture, sharing and tracing the process so that she can visit and work on site in Vilnius.
Travelling and 17 visits in Lithuania made it possible to have appointments with people in cafes and offices and meet them (again) in the street. Working onsite and storing (available) material, using public transport, and/various institutions as well as lawyers, translators, collaborating with open minded students (re)arranges artistic concepts and ideas.
Womens impact in (their) society, feminist strategies and herstory get juxtaposed with recherche and theory and (re)direct the ways the project would take.
At different locations several events of "in the making" replaced the institutional representation of art in public.
On November 01 and 02, 2008 light and sound performing for 4 hours while people passing by outside the wall. Discussions between different generations, exchange of personal memories which vary.
concept and realisation / Anja Westerfrolke / Neringa Bučaitė / Povilas Kovalenko
Outside the wall around the former church and empty prison people are passing by, they stop for discussion and exchange on the history or what they remember about this place.
Lithuanian students attending a workshop in Linz, to get introduced to the drupal content-management-system www.anja.west.servus.at works as a platform for information, translation and communication.
The digital structure provides texts to study and to explore issues of the project and images to define the specific understanding and serves as a locating for people to visit. Finding „the visiting room“ people can start to write a topic or leave traces of their visit. With the Drupal software the programming is integrated in the process of writing and translating: several people at the same time build and construct the website as they go. The onging translation in Lithuanian/English/German/French has been started and the different roles of a visitor/writer/collaborator and adminstrator for the website allow the former guests to participate directly: „this is not my homepage“
Linz – Vilnius
www. servus.at - 4040 Linz, Kirchengasse 4
Lithuanian students in Linz attending a workshop, to get introduced to the drupal content-management-system www.anja.west.servus.at works as a platform for information, translation and communication.
The digital structure provides texts to study and to explore issues of the project and images to define the specific understanding and serves as a locating for people to visit.
Finding „the visiting room“ people can start to write a topic or leave traces of their visit. With the Drupal software the programming is integrated in the process of writing and translating: several people at the same time build and construct the website as they go. The onging translation in Lithuanian/English/German/French has been started and the different roles of a visitor/writer/collaborator and adminstrator for the website allow the former guests to participate directly: „this is not my homepage“
Präsentation / Repräsentation: “ON SITE in Vilnius“ 2008-2009 Anja Westerfrölke wird einige Aspekte ihres Projektes vorstellen und die Rolle von Kunst und Künstlerin in Beziehung zu Kultur und Administration zur Diskussion stellen.
Seit 2008 arbeitet Anja Westerfrölke an diesem Projekt vor Ort in Vilnius, Litauen.
Eine Rauminstallation verdeckt und enthüllt mit Hilfe textilen Materials die Architektur der Herz Jesu Kirche in Rasu g.6, Licht und Projektionen beziehen sich auf die unterschiedliche Verwendung dieses Gebäudes: Erbaut im 18.Jh nach Entwürfen von Architekten aus Rom wurde die Herz Jesu Kirche und das barocke Frauenkloster seit 1945 als staatliches Gefängnis verwendet und steht seit zwei Jahren leer. Von außen ist die Kirche noch in Gefängnismauern eingeschlossen, im Inneren verbindet das Stiegenhaus die verschiedenen Stockwerke der ehemaligen Büros, Lager- und Aufenthaltsräume.
Veranstaltungen, Workshops, Vorträge, Filmvorführungen, etc., laden ein, sich an einem Prozess des Wiederentdeckens der Geschichte zu beteiligen.
Das Projekt untersucht, wie Kunst und Kultur sich mit lokalen Initiativen von Frauen vernetzen, wie Austausch, Solidarität, Übersetzung und Repräsentation zu Aspekten europäischer kultureller Zusammenarbeit werden
Public mediation of a Linz artist working in Vilnius. Anja Westerfrölke will introduce issues of this project and discuss the role of art and artist in relation to culture and cultural management.
"presentation/ representation" during Capital of Culture in Linz, Austria in March 2009
Just besides Lukiškių place with the empty space of the former Lenin statue opposite to the KGB building which houses now the museum the church and the monastery is run by a few Dominican monks. Facing many buildings after the maternity hospital was closed and given back to the church artists in need of space to work
//////finding a place to work, to meet
13 nov 2007 zeigt mir miriam wirz
08 april erste bilder und samen in erde
12 april erster besuch von felicitas
in the making 02
outline the main stages of the project and by means of a short performance i will document the development of the work of an artist in a local and European context.
In the name of the Austrian embassador the project invited the "Friends of ON SITE in Vilnius" who had helped us to find, to meet, to understand, to organise, to establish
"ON SITE in Vilnius" - presentation
During the last months i came several times from Linz to Vilnius to prepare my art project "on site". Your interest and your support have been an essential contribution to help me be part of "European Culture Capital 2009".
The time has come for me to publicly thank you and other "Friends of ON SITE in Vilnius". I would appreciate if you could join us for an informal reception at
the Austrian embassy in Vilnius, Gaono 6
on May 26 2008 at 6pm.
We will outline the main stages of the project and by means of a short
performance i will document the development of the work of
an artist in a local and European context.
In den letzten Monaten war ich mehrmals in Vilnius um mein Kunstprojekt für die
Kulturhauptstadt "ON SITE" vorzubereiten.
Dein Interesse und deine Unterstuetzung sind dabei wesentlich für meine Beteiligung an einer "Europaeischen Kulturhauptstadt 2009"
Ich moechte dir und anderen "Freunden von ON SITE in Vilnius" dafuer oeffentlich danken und freue mich, wenn du in die oesterreichische Botschaft kommen kannst:
Nach der Vorstellung der Anliegen und des weiteren Programms für "ON SITE in Vilnius" 2008 und 2009 dokumentiere ich mit einer kurzen Performance die Arbeit als Kuenstlerin - vor Ort und im europaeischen Kontext.
Montag am 26.Mai 2008 um 18h
Oesterreichische Botschaft in Vilnius, Gaono 6
Bitte schicke eine Rueckantwort an dalia.friedt@bmeia.gv.at